
Advocates for Trans Equality is thrilled to endorse a group of groundbreaking candidates for the 2024 elections. Each of these leaders has demonstrated a deep commitment to the rights and well-being of the transgender community. Their campaigns are vital to ensuring fair and inclusive representation. Here’s a closer look at our endorsed candidates:

Nonbinary two-spirit legislator Liish Kozlowski and transgender woman legislator Leigh Finke stand in front of the US Capitol.

Minnesota state legislators Liish Kozlowski (they/them) and Leigh Finke (she/her) stand in front of the U.S. Capitol at our TRANSform the Vote Rally in March 2024.

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Vice President Kamala Harris for 2024

Throughout her vice presidency, Kamala Harris has collaborated with President Biden to lay a foundation for strong support of transgender Americans. The Biden-Harris administration has been the most pro-equality in our nation’s history, implementing significant measures since their inauguration. When compared to past presidents, the Biden-Harris Administration has been the strongest advocate for the needs of transgender Americans of any presidential administration in American history.

Together, the Biden-Harris administration initiated a series of historic measures, including:

  • Reinforcing federal protections for transgender youth against discrimination. 
  • Improving the traveling experience for transgender Americans by implementing upgraded screening technology, resulting in the reduced need for physical pat-downs among travelers.  
  • Enabling U.S. citizens to choose the gender marker “X” on their passports, expanding access to accurate & affirming identification documents for transgender and non-binary Americans. 
  • Providing resources for transgender youth and their families through the provision of mental health resources, training to support transgender and non-binary students in educational settings, affirming the positive impact that transition-related healthcare has on young individuals, and reinforcing the importance of transition-related care for children and youth.  
  • Enhancing the availability of federal services for transgender individuals through the establishment of pathways to retirement savings, streamlining the process for lodging employment discrimination complaints, eliminating obstacles to obtaining federal student aid, and modernizing the White House Office Visitor Entry System.  
  • Promoting inclusivity in federal data to improve the representation of transgender individuals by allocating $10 million in the 2023 Fiscal Year budget for crucial research aimed at effectively incorporating inquiries about gender identity and sexual orientation into the Census Bureau's American Community Survey. This data will empower the federal government to more effectively support LGBTQ Americans by furnishing valuable insights into aspects such as employment, educational achievements, homeownership, and beyond. 

Vice President Kamala Harris has been a formidable ally for LGBTQI+ equality. Her efforts span decades, beginning with her leadership in San Francisco against hate crimes to her work aiming to abolish the so-called gay and transgender ‘panic defense’ in California. Harris has consistently supported marriage equality and continued her advocacy as Vice President, demonstrating her support for the LGBTQI+ community. 

A Harris Administration would not only uphold but also expand upon the protections for transgender Americans established by the Biden Administration. Her leadership promises to fortify and enhance the efforts to address and meet the needs of transgender people, ensuring continued progress in our nation's history of civil rights. Vice President Harris can build upon the achievements of the Biden-Harris Administration, creating a solid framework for a future where trans people are no less than equal, and that is both more inclusive and filled with hope.

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Sarah McBride - U.S. Congress Delaware

The first viable transgender candidate for the U.S. Congress in history. As a state senator, McBride has passed legislation expanding access to health care, requiring mental health and media literacy education in public schools, promoting green technologies, preventing lead poisoning in youth, and protecting workers and families. In just her first term, McBride passed the landmark Healthy Delaware Families Act, providing paid family and medical leave to workers throughout the First State and marking the largest expansion of Delaware's social safety net in decades.


She currently serves as chair of the Senate Health & Social Services Committee and is a member of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, Education Committee, Banking, Business, Insurance, and Technology Committee, and Executive Committee.  Support Sarah and her bid to bring inclusivity to Congress by learning more here.

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Ari Faber - Ohio Senate, District 30

Ari Faber’s campaign for the Ohio Senate is one of courage and perseverance, running uncontested in the Democratic Primary despite systemic challenges. Ari's platform focuses on crucial issues like food and housing insecurity, poverty, and healthcare improvements. Ari's election would be a significant step toward progressive and inclusive governance in Ohio. 

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Charlotte A. Scherer -Alexandria City Council

Charlotte A. Scherer is dedicated to enhancing community services and fostering inclusivity in Alexandria, VA. Her leadership is essential in combatting anti-trans policies and ensuring that Alexandria remains a supportive environment for all its residents. Discover more about Charlotte's campaign and how you can contribute here.

These candidates represent not only the interests of the transgender community but also the spirit of effective, compassionate leadership. By supporting these leaders, we move closer to a society that values all people in our society. - Josie Caballero, Director of Voting & Elections

Together, let's pave the way for a future where everyone thrives. The journey for equality continues, and your involvement is crucial for building a stronger, more inclusive tomorrow.

Running for Office?

If you are interested in our endorsement process and would like to apply please do so at this link to our endorsement application.\

Interested in running for office someday?

Sign up here to get on our list of potential candidates so we can reach out to learn more about you.

Want to learn more about how to run for office or how to run a campaign as a campaign manager?

Sign up to learn more about our new trans candidate training program, where candidates and future campaign managers will learn the tools of the trade of running a custom-tailored campaign program.

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