A4TE News

Federal Court Ruling Protecting Oregon Transgender Students Stands


The United States Supreme Court today declined to hear a case challenging an Oregon school district’s policy that allows transgender students to use the locker rooms and bathrooms that match their gender identity.

The decision means that a federal appeals court decision affirming the policy stands.

“Today’s decision is excellent news for transgender students,” said Mara Keisling, executive director for the National Center for Transgender Equality. “The 9th Circuit Court, like so many other courts before it, has recognized the rights of transgender students. Today’s decision means that court’s decision stands and that trans students in Dallas, Oregon, can use the appropriate locker room and bathroom. The school district developed a thoughtful policy and it has been upheld by the courts.”

Keisling continued: “Trans students deserve an educational environment that is safe, supportive and free from discrimination. The school district’s actions to create that environment have been vindicated.”


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