A4TE News

Know Your Rights on Election Day


On November 3rd, transgender and non-binary people will join tens of millions across the country to cast their vote. This Election Day, TLDEF has prepared resources to ensure transgender and non-binary people are able to vote and report experiences of mistreatment when visiting their polling place.

On November 3rd, transgender and non-binary people will join tens of millions across the country to cast their vote. The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) has prepared this two-pager for transgender and non-binary people when voting on Election Day.

Download TLDEF's Know Your Rights Voting Guide

Report Election Day Voter Discrimination

Have you been challenged or left feeling uncomfortable because of who you are when attempting to either register to vote or to cast your ballot? If so, the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) would like to hear from you and to ensure other transgender and non-binary people do not encounter the same experience when voting in the future.

This Election Day, TLDEF is accepting intakes specifically focused on transgender and non-binary people who experience mistreatment when registering to vote or casting their ballot. TLDEF wants you to report details of any mistreatment due to your gender identity or gender expression. Examples could include the following:

  • A poll worker tells you that your name doesn’t match your appearance;
  • A poll worker asks you to show ID when it’s not required under the voting rules of your state; or
  • You have to walk past a crowd of protestors in order to get to your polling place.

If you’re not sure whether you experienced discrimination or not, please report the incident to us anyway by completing the intake form below. You have a right to vote without any barriers. TLDEF wants to ensure that all transgender and non-binary people are safe and treated with dignity and respect when exercising their legal right.

It may take a few days for TLDEF to get back to you, so if you are still trying to vote on Election Day, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE immediately so they can help ensure you can cast your ballot.

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