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Massive Public Backlash Helps to Stop HUD Rule Change Targeting Transgender People

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Facing a massive public backlash, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development is expected to abandon its efforts to end critical nondiscrimination protections in homeless shelters for transgender people.

True Colors United & the National Center for Transgender Equality led an effort to galvanize Americans across the country to oppose the rule changes, helping to generate more than 66,000 comments to HUD on the issue.

“Access to safe, affirming housing is a matter of life and death for transgender people experiencing homelessness. These rules were cruel and unnecessary and put lives at risk. Once the public became aware, they responded overwhelmingly in opposition,” said Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, deputy executive director for the National Center for Transgender Equality. “The massive outpouring of support slowed down the Trump administration and helped to protect critical nondiscrimination protections.”

Under the proposed rule change, homeless shelters would have been able to turn transgender people away from single-sex facilities that match their gender identity.

“The defeat of the anti-trans shelter rule should be a warning that cynical campaigns to leave trans people on the outside are not only wrong, they're bad politics,” said Dylan Waguespack, public policy and external affairs director for True Colors United. “Whether it's homeless shelters, sports, or health care, supporting the safety and dignity of all young people is a central tenet to our society, regardless of who they are or who they love."

The Biden administration has issued a freeze on all the last-minute actions such as the proposed rule change initiated by the Trump administration. President Joe Biden’s commitment to fighting discrimination and ensuring that the federal government treats all people equally under the law spell doom for this deadly proposal.


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