A4TE News

Our Lives Are in Danger. Pass the Dream Act Now!


As we neared a second government shutdown last week after three previous failed negotiations on the Dream Act, racist and divisive legislative proposals from Republican leadership, and no prospect of a permanent solution for immigrant youth reaching a vote soon, we took to the streets and took over the halls of Congress.

On February 7, the National Day of Action for the Dream Act, I joined over 70 Dreamers and allies in a civil disobedience action to tell members of Congress they cannot continue to negotiate our lives away. As a transgender Mexican man with a large mixed-status family and extensive chosen family of trans and queer undocumented folks, I am often paralyzed by fear of what this country’s leadership is doing to my family. I participated in this action because I refuse to allow the love and struggle of our ancestors, the values of immigrant communities, or our stories of resilience to be told by those who believe we are rapists, gang members, terrorists, lazy, and in any way un-American.

Read more at NCTE's Medium page.

By National Center for Transgender Equality

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