A4TE News

President Biden Keeps Promise to End Ban on Military Service for Transgender Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Joe Biden moved quickly to deliver on his promise to end the ban on transgender people serving openly in the military. Today, he ended the ban and transgender service members can now serve openly and honestly.

“We knew when President Biden was elected that transgender people would have a friend and ally in the White House,” said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality and the NCTE Action Fund. “The new president has made clear his commitment to ensuring that transgender Americans are treated fairly and with respect, and that we are able live our lives without fear of discrimination. Today’s action is one step forward and ensures that anyone who is willing to serve and is able to serve has that opportunity.”

NCTE has worked alongside many organizational partners like SPART*A, TAVA, and many others. During the presidential campaign, President Biden participated in the Transform the White House project, which was led by the NCTE Action Fund, which later endorsed his campaign for president.

President Biden made clear his support for transgender Americans: “The idea that someone can tell you that you can’t be who you are in your heart and soul is just wrong,” Biden said.

An estimated 15,000 transgender Americans serve in the US military, according to the Palm Center. NCTE is thankful and proud of the many service members who maintained their service in the face of the tumult and incompetence of the last administration.

“With President Biden, we know that our community will be seen and heard, we will not be erased, and we can begin to address the significant issues that transgender people face every day,” Keisling said.


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