A4TE News

Proposed Rules from Eight Trump Agencies Would Encourage Discrimination with Federal Funds

The Trump administration continued its assault on transgender people and other vulnerable communities today with the release of proposed rules from eight federal agencies that would invite grantees to turn away against individuals and families in need. A similar proposal from a ninth agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is expected soon.

The proposed rules, which will be open for public comment for just 30 days in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act, would allow religious organizations that receive federal funds to deny services to vulnerable people and families and would remove the obligation that they even make referrals to other service providers. When asked whether these rules would permit discrimination against LGBTQ people or religious minorities, a senior administration official told reporters today that people in need would have the “freedom” to find help somewhere else.

The move follows recent proposals by the Department of Health and Human Services to eliminate nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ beneficiaries across dozens of its grant programs.

“This proposal could affect millions of primarily poor and vulnerable individuals and families,” said Mara Keisling, executive director of The National Center for Transgender Equality. “These rollbacks are dangerous, invite discrimination and are sure to be challenged in court. The proposed rules are one more way in which the Trump administration is giving permission for organizations that receive taxpayer money to turn away transgender people and refuse to provide them the help that they need. If adopted, these rules will cause incredible harm.”

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