A4TE News

Remembering Lorena Borjas


Compassion, love, and unity. These are some of the words that describe one of the most influential activists in the LGBTQ Latinx community, Lorena Borjas. And on Monday, we all heard the devastating news of her passing due to this global health crisis. Here at NCTE, it was no different-- we are all crushed. She championed for so many folks-- those who were impacted by human trafficking, sex workers, folks diagnosed with HIV, and undocumented migrants. She was truly a beacon of hope during one of the darkest times in our collective history.

For many of us, she was our toughest lionheart within the city of New York and nationwide as she took on intolerant policies that negatively impacted our community. She was a constant reminder that we are empowered to take our own vulnerability and turn it into strength. As this pandemic continues to impact us, we know our community is resilient. Lorena fought for us to the end of her beautiful life, therefore we must stay strong during this difficult time and take care of our own.

Rest in Power, Lorena, you will not be forgotten.

If and when you can, we encourage you to donate to Lorena Borja’s Transgender Emergency Fund 101: https://www.gofundme.com/f/transgender-people-emergency-fund-101

By Debbie Ojeda-Leitner

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