A4TE News

Tonight: Join us for a conversation on SCOTUS Title VII decisions


We hope you had a restful and reflective Memorial Day weekend. While we took some time to rest and recharge, it is now time to get back to the work at hand. Soon, the Supreme Court will hand down its decisions on three consequential cases for transgender people.

These three cases, all currently before the Court, will decide whether employers can discriminate against LGBTQ workers, allowing them to fire someone from their job simply because of who they are or who they love.

The uncertainty of this momentous time only underscores the need to pass the Equality Act. The work on that front continues, but as we await the Supreme Court’s decisions, we invite you to join us tonight with our friends from Demand Justice, Lambda Legal, National Women’s Law Center, ACLU of Michigan, and CPD Action for a conversation, moderated by Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, about what’s at stake for LGBTQ Americans and what we can do to advance equality.

In tough times like these it’s more important than ever to stay connected, and we hope you will take some time to join us for this important conversation on the implications of these cases.

TONIGHT, May 26, 8 pm EDT
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By Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen

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