A4TE News

Trump’s Next Step In Turning The Courts Against Trans Rights


It can be hard to believe this administration is doing even more damage under the shadow cast by the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh — President Trump’s beleaguered Supreme Court pick who responded to credible allegations of sexual abuse with partisan attacks and outraged entitlement. After the disheartening conclusion of that fight, however, this administration is continuing its anti-transgender transformation of our legal system on another level.

Just this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on the nomination of Chad Readler to a lifetime appointment on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals — the final level in the judicial system before cases reach the Supreme Court. This week, NCTE published a strong letter of opposition to Readler — a hyper-partisan lawyer who has attacked the rights of transgender people to health care and defended the administration’s baseless attempt to ban transgender troops. Read more...

By Gillian Branstetter

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