Other News




TLDEF Leads Coalition Opposing Federal Rule to Exclude Transgender Refugees from Seeking Asylum in the United States

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of a number of plaintiffs and is suing the Trump administration in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. This rule undermines the Affordable Care Act's non-discrimination protections and would promote discrimination in health care on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and sex - including pregnancy, gender identity, and sex stereotyping.



BREAKING: We're Suing the Administration

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of a number of plaintiffs and is suing the Trump administration in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. This rule undermines the Affordable Care Act's non-discrimination protections and would promote discrimination in health care on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and sex - including pregnancy, gender identity, and sex stereotyping.



Show Your Pride, Support the Trans Health Project

Over the past few months, the critical importance of having a health care system that is accessible to the most marginalized among us has become impossible to ignore. Access to a health care provider means a transgender person is one step closer to being able to live authentically. This Pride Month, TLDEF is participating in the Give OUT campaign, and we have the chance to earn thousands in additional prize money if we have the most individual donors. You can help by starting a fundraiser to support health equity for transgender people.
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Resources for Journalists

Are you a journalist interested in covering trans news? Here are some tips to keep your reporting accurate and respectful.

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